
When I first read about the A to Z Challenge and how the goal was to blog nearly every day for a month, I was like, “Oh, hells no…” I mean, I blog once a month, sometimes twice a month if I’ve got my act together. Blogging nearly every day seemed like a masochistic experiment (and it might still be; ask me about it once it’s all over).

Yet I found the concept interesting, and it got me thinking — if I were to blog every day for each letter of the alphabet, what would I write about?


The Theme

Listed among my favorite things in the world is mythology and folklore. Fairy tales, constellation myths, stories about things that go bump in the night. I love all these things. In order to have the stamina to blog for most of April, it would have to be about something I love. And so, to that end, I decided on the theme of A Bestiary of Mythological Creatures (and People).

I was originally just going to post about creatures. But once I got started, I was drawn to posting about people as well.


And So? What Makes This Theme So Interesting?

Honestly, it probably won’t be that interesting unless you’re like me and like this sort of thing. I am trying to write about things that are perhaps lesser-known than the standard mythological icons like Zeus and unicorns. Most of the entries will be of people and creatures from actual folklore of different cultures, but there are a couple in there that are my own fictional creations from my newly released book.

In the posts themselves I describe various creatures, and what it is I like about them. Other entries are basically synopses of stories. Some will have my own thoughts, explaining why I chose them. Others will simply stand on their own, because for those, there’s really nothing I can add other than to say how awesome they are.

And that’s basically it. I’ve been having a blast writing the posts for the challenge so far. I hope you’ll enjoy reading them!

Here are the posts if you’d like to read them.