


Protection, Fertility, Love, Health



All geraniums have protective properties when grown in a garden or brought into the home. It is said that red geraniums planted near a witch’s cottage will lean towards strangers as they approach and warn the witch of the impending arrival. Red geraniums are also especially protective and bolster health.

Pink geraniums are used in love spells, white ones to increase fertility. Fresh leaves of the rose geranium can be brushed onto doorknobs and windows for protection. Geraniums also protect against snakes.

Snakes will not go

Where geraniums grow

Rose-scented geraniums (Geranium pelargonium) are the only geraniums that are edible (all others are toxic). They have anti-inflammatory properties, and can be brewed into a tea to treat sore joints and aching muscles. It also relieves stress, aids in digestion, and helps boost the immune system against colds and flu.



Cunningham’s Encylopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham, 2016, Llewellyn Publications

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