By Sara C. Snider

Hazel and Holly

A whimsical fantasy novel

Nestled within an enchanted forest is the Grove, a community where witches and warlocks practice natural magic, brew mystical potions, and lock their cellars against beer thieving gnomes. Life is quiet and uneventful. Well, except when Hazel’s long-lost father uses necromancy to trap her dead mother’s soul.

That simply won’t do. Necromancy is forbidden in the Grove, and for good reason too. Nobody wants filthy corpses shambling around, mussing up one’s garden. Hazel is determined to find her father and undo his treachery.

But despite Hazel’s plans of becoming a one-woman army, she can’t do everything alone. It’s not until wild sister Holly convinces her to leave the house for once and go to a party that Hazel finds a pair of unlikely allies in two bickering warlock brothers.

Together, the four of them go on a journey that takes them out of the Grove and into a world where necromancy reigns and the dead won’t respectfully stay in the grave. Hazel will do whatever it takes to stop her father and save her mother’s soul. Even if it means turning to necromancy. Even if it means losing her friends. Because they would never help a necromancer. Would they?

Also by Sara C. Snider

The Thirteenth Tower

An orphaned girl unaware of her magic. Two secretive Magisters with a hidden agenda. Will she discover the truth about herself before it’s too late?

A Shadowed Spirit

Siyan was a nobody, until her dormant powers awakened. Now hunted for her wild magic, what will she sacrifice in order to tame it?

The Forgotten Web

When a young Weaver accidentally unravels Robin’s existence, he turns to blood magic to weave it anew. Will he mend his fractured reality, or will his sanity fracture along with his life?

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Magic in the Mundane — Geese

Magic in the Mundane — Geese

Summer has come and gone in a bit of a haze for us. Remember back when we bought a plot? Well, we're planning on building a house to go on that plot, and there's about five billion different decisions to be made on just about everything. So that was my summer....

Five Reasons We Need Whimsy in Our Lives

Five Reasons We Need Whimsy in Our Lives

Just a short and sweet update today featuring a couple of things. Whimsy! When life gets too heavy, it's whimsy to the rescue! I wrote an article about the importance of whimsy in our everyday lives. Everything is made better with some whimsy, right?  You can find the...

Hazel and Holly is Out in the World

Hazel and Holly is Out in the World

I don't know about you, but for me it feels like this book has been "coming soon" for basically forever. But now it's finally here! Hazel and Holly are out in the world causing mischief and mayhem with their wild and witchy ways. I can't really express how happy this...

Fantasy Author

Sara C. Snider

Sara C. Snider is a fantasy author whose stories range from whimsical and lighthearted to dark and gritty. She loves forests and fairy tales and features both in her writing. Originally from northern California, Sara now lives in Sweden where she is one step closer to fulfilling her childhood dream of becoming a forest hermit.