November is a dreary month in Sweden. The beautiful autumn leaves have fallen and the trees are barren, the days are rapidly growing darker, and the snow hasn’t yet come to help brighten everything up. Motivation has a tendency to sink a bit during this month; everything seems just a little bit harder.

Even though we don’t have Thanksgiving in Sweden, it seems appropriate to take some time to appreciate the positives in life to help brighten the more dismal parts of the year. Plus I’m American, so I like to think of it as a little holiday bubble that I carry around with me. Portable joy!


Hazel and Holly

I feel like I’m talking about Hazel and Holly a lot, but I can’t help it. I love these gals, and I love that they came into being because of this blog. What started out as a flash fiction story written on a whim as part of a challenge, has now turned into a serialized novel. It pushes me to my limits and, at the end of the day, I’m still not sure I’ll pull it off. But I’m thankful for the opportunity, and I’m even more thankful for everyone that encouraged me to do it.

Also, I’m super-thankful to Jenny Zemanek for creating this awesome cover. Do you love it as much as I do? I hope so, ‘cause I love it lots.


Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge


Home and Family

I’m grateful to have a home that keeps me out of the cold and darkness. And I’m thankful for my massive family. From my Swedish family—including two cats and a tall guy–to the substantial extended family I have back in the States. If it weren’t for Facebook, I probably would have never realized just how many cousins I have. Which leads me to being thankful for…


The Internet

The ‘Net certainly isn’t perfect, and it can be a breeding ground for mouth-breathing trolls. But without it, I wouldn’t be doing what I am now. It keeps me connected with my distant family, keeps me informed. It allows me to learn new things and helps me pursue a business I love doing. It also enables my inner food-nerd to geek out on all the freebie recipes out there. That last one’s pretty important, especially around the holidays.


And you

Lastly, I’m thankful for you. Without you, this blog is pretty much meaningless. It would just be me effectively talking in an empty room, and only crazy people do that, right? So thank you for keeping me sane, for reading my ramblings, and for walking this road with me. The journey has been a pretty good one so far—I’m looking forward to wherever we’re headed.


What are you thankful for?