

Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification, Happiness, Peace



Lavender is perhaps most used in love spells and sachets. Adorning clothing with the herb will attract love, and rubbing lavender on paper is useful for writing love notes. It’s said to attract men in particular, and lavender oil was worn by prostitutes many centuries ago to advertise their profession and attract customers.

It’s perhaps a little ironic then that during the Renaissance it was believed that if a woman wore lavender and rosemary, her chastity would be preserved. Lavender also protects one against cruel treatment by a spouse if worn.

The aroma of lavender is conducive to long life, and can help ward depression and ease stress. Burning the flowers promotes sleep, and scattering the flowers around the home maintains peacefulness.

Lavender also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and can be used to treat minor burns and cuts, eczema and dermatitis. Washing with lavender can kill lice. Gargling lavender oil with water can ease sore throats. Drinking lavender tea can treat a number of ailments ranging from vomiting and diarrhea, to easing tension headaches and indigestion.



Cunningham’s Encylopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham, 2016, Llewellyn Publications

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University of Maryland Medical Center

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