Hazel and Holly — Crossroads Conundrum

Hazel and Holly — Crossroads Conundrum

Previous: Roadside Meeting   Holly and Hemlock rode atop one of the horses, while Hawthorn and the necromancer rode on the other. The necromancer had refused to give his name, so Holly had taken to calling him Norman. Norman had tried to run for it before they...
Hazel and Holly — Crossroads Conundrum

Hazel and Holly — Roadside Meeting

Previous: Cold, Quintessential Comfort   Holly hopped off the back of the wagon and dusted off her hands. “Right, then.” She peered out into the nighttime gloom, looking for the runaway horses or Tum, but she didn’t see either. “Could we hurry this up?” Hawthorn...
Hazel and Holly — Crossroads Conundrum

Hazel and Holly — Shadowed Dreams

Previous: Shadowed Depths, Part Two   Holly tried to keep her breathing even and calm as she lay in the enclosed box. She wouldn’t panic. If she panicked, she might suffocate, and Holly would rather that didn’t happen. She clenched her eyes shut, bracing herself...