

Emma is the king of hell in Japanese lore. In the few stories I read with him in it, people who die are brought before him for judgment. He sometimes sends them back, either for a chance to atone for their sins, or to carry out unfinished business (after which they...

My Experience With Kirkus Indie Reviews

I’ve written a guest post over at Katie Cross’ blog, KCross Writing, about my experience in having my book reviewed by Kirkus. She also summarizes the book in five words or less. The boggans would be pleased to find that they have made the cut. Head on...
Crack and Crook

Crack and Crook

“Crack and Crook” is an Italian folktale of two thieves who find each other by trying to steal from each other. They then team up and break into the king’s treasury and make away with much of his riches. Flummoxed by this, the king consults a thief in his...


“Boggan?” “Foul little men that like to steal children, sometimes leaving a basket of leaves in its place. Quite fond of shiny things, though. Where I’m from, superstitious wives will leave a coin or silver spoon in the crib so that should a boggan arrive it...