

My Dear Friend Luther, It is sheer madness out here in these God-forsaken provinces. The people here do not hold to sense or reason, and instead let their superstitions govern what few wits they do possess. I will, of course, endeavor to carry out my duties to the...
Ashen Anise

Ashen Anise

Quick recap: my theme is flash fiction with tree names used as prompts. I cheated a bit for this one, and used two names (ash and anise). And no, I’m not sorry.    Ashen Anise Anise knelt to the ground, sifting through the ashes with blackened, soot-stained...

The Forgotten Web is Here!

The Forgotten Web is out and available for Kindle! And, for the moment, only for Kindle. I decided to take the plunge and give the Kindle Select thingie a go. I’m not thrilled about it, because they require exclusivity, but they promise other things like better...

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

It’s that time of year again–when bloggers from around the world band together and put themselves through the horrors rigors of blogging nearly every day for a month! Woohoo! As a rather infrequent blogger, I’m baffled by my own excitement. But I am!...

The Forgotten Web Cover (and Blurb) Reveal

For the cover of The Forgotten Web, I got to work with Jenny over at Seedlings Design Studio. She was a pleasure to work with–an absolute sweetheart and she knows her stuff. I highly recommend her. I figured I’d do the reveal for the cover like I did for...