Hazel and Holly — Of Mushrooms and Men

Hazel and Holly — Of Mushrooms and Men

Previous: A Star Enshrined Heart   Holly gave silent thanks that they never found a corpse on the road. She had spent a fair amount of time holding her breath in anticipation, but nothing ever arose—either in the air or on the road ahead of them. “Ravens aren’t...
Hazel and Holly — Of Mushrooms and Men

Hazel and Holly — A Star Enshrined Heart

Previous: Crossroads Conundrum   Hazel woke up and stared at the ceiling. A jagged crack seared across the stone surface to a corner where moss began to grow. She lay still a moment, savoring the softness of the bed before she realized a lamp had been lit in the...
Fat Tuesday Swedish Style

Fat Tuesday Swedish Style

Despite Sweden being considered one of the most secular countries in the world, religion still plays a big part in many of the holidays. Honestly, I think Swedes will embrace just about any reason to take a day off work or, in the case of today, eat pastries. Swedes...
Hazel and Holly — Of Mushrooms and Men

Hazel and Holly — Crossroads Conundrum

Previous: Roadside Meeting   Holly and Hemlock rode atop one of the horses, while Hawthorn and the necromancer rode on the other. The necromancer had refused to give his name, so Holly had taken to calling him Norman. Norman had tried to run for it before they...
Hazel and Holly — Of Mushrooms and Men

Hazel and Holly — Roadside Meeting

Previous: Cold, Quintessential Comfort   Holly hopped off the back of the wagon and dusted off her hands. “Right, then.” She peered out into the nighttime gloom, looking for the runaway horses or Tum, but she didn’t see either. “Could we hurry this up?” Hawthorn...