Guest Article at Mythic Scribes

Looks like June is a month for guest posts, all bundled up into this past week. I’ve been wanting to write an article for Mythic Scribes pretty much since I started this blog over two years ago. Problem was I never had an idea to pitch to them. Until now. It all...

Magical Moments

Well, May has gone, and I let it go by quietly as far as the blog is concerned. In recovering from the craziness of the A to Z Challenge, I pretty much retreated to my hidey-hole, working on finishing up my latest editing pass for my Tree and Tower sequel. This...

The Forgotten Web is Here!

The Forgotten Web is out and available for Kindle! And, for the moment, only for Kindle. I decided to take the plunge and give the Kindle Select thingie a go. I’m not thrilled about it, because they require exclusivity, but they promise other things like better...

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

It’s that time of year again–when bloggers from around the world band together and put themselves through the horrors rigors of blogging nearly every day for a month! Woohoo! As a rather infrequent blogger, I’m baffled by my own excitement. But I am!...