Autumn pretty much arrived in Sweden a couple of weeks ago, judging by the yellowing leaves I see when I look out the window. Joy! Of course, when autumn rolls around, the icy weather isn’t too far off. Normally I don’t mind the freezing weather, but now with me trying to get my driver’s license here, the thought of driving on ice doesn’t fill me with nearly as much joy as the turning leaves. I come from California, where it’s perfectly valid to stay home from work/school as soon as a light dusting of snow hits the ground.

Unsurprisingly, since we are in The Frozen North here, learning how to drive on ice is mandatory. This is what I’ll be doing on Friday. Behold, my future:

For the most part, the driving lessons are going OK. It’s interesting though, because I’m not struggling with the things I thought I would (like roundabouts—Americans don’t do roundabouts), and struggling with different things instead—like looking out (and stopping) for pedestrians. I’ve discovered I’ve got certain driving habits that don’t mix well with the different rule sets and environment over here, and it’s going to be hard breaking those habits.

  • No right on red
  • No passing on the right on freeways
  • Intersections often (but not always) have a “right-hand rule” rather than stop signs/traffic lights (this rule is my nemesis right now)
  • Cyclists everywhere – so I have to remember to check and make sure I’m not about to plow one over in my blind spot when making right turns…

Honestly, after starting lessons here, it’s made me feel like it’s been a miracle I never injured or killed anyone when driving in the States.

On the plus side, though, I’ve finally learned how to parallel park. Woohoo!


Summertime was nice and relaxing, and not too hot (relatively speaking), which is a bonus. To tip my hat to the passing warm season, here are some pictures we took:



I hope you’ve had a great summer (or winter if you’re in the southern part of the world)!