


Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits



The leaf of the dandelion is used in summoning spirits, healing, purification, or overcoming negativity. The root is used in divination, wishes, and calling spirits. Drinking dandelion tea or coffee (in which the roots are roasted and ground) promotes psychic powers. Leaving a hot infusion by the bedside will call spirits.

Dandelion belongs to the goddess Hecate and is associated with the underworld and necromancy. It is beloved by bees, goats, and pigs.



To find out how long you will live, blow the seeds off the dandelion; however many seeds are left is how many years you’ll live. (So, asthma might be a good thing here…) To tell the time: blow three times on the seed head. However many seeds are left is the hour. To send a message to a loved one, blow on the seed head in his/her direction while visualizing the message.

When buried in the northwest corner of the house, dandelion will bring favorable winds.

The milk from dandelion stems is said to cure warts, and a tea made from dried leaves aids indigestion. A tincture made from the flowers will help with liver problems.

One can make dandelion beer from fermented dried dandelion leaves, and wine from the flowers. Root beer sometimes includes dandelion roots.



Cunningham’s Encylopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham, 2016, Llewellyn Publications

Herbal Riot


Thought Co.