Hazel and Holly — Finding Forgiveness

Previous: Hallowed Hearts   Hazel and Hemlock walked down the streets of Sarnum, heading towards an inn that Hawthorn had recommended, and that they were now trying to find. Apparently, after Hazel had run off to the field, Hemlock had sent the others away, and...

Hazel and Holly — Hallowed Hearts

Previous: Bones and Blood   Hazel bolted out the door, clutching a handful of her skirt in a throbbing, stinging fist. She kept her gaze ahead as she hurried through Baern’s weather-worn yard, refusing to look at Holly or Hemlock, who now trailed behind her....

Hazel and Holly — Bones and Blood

Previous: Fountain of Sorrow   Hazel’s fear of meeting Baern ebbed as the carriage once again rattled down the street on their way to the necromancer’s home. Instead, a certain disquiet had settled over her, a troublesome discomfort that disallowed any other...

Swedish Spring

Well, springtime is here. Normally I’d be happy about that, but we didn’t really get a proper winter, and so I’m feeling kind of cheated. Yeah, that’s right. I actually like sub zero temperatures. Or, rather more accurately, I like discernible...

Hazel and Holly — Fountain of Sorrow

Previous: Elder Dawn   They all left Elder’s house after they finished breakfast. Hazel clutched a slip of paper in her hand on which Elder had scribbled Baern’s address. Holly and Hawthorn clambered into the coach. Hazel was about to follow them, but hesitated....

Hazel and Holly — Elder Dawn

Previous: The Long Dark   The following morning Hazel and Holly ventured downstairs and found a little sign with a drawn arrow pointing down a hall off the main room. They followed it, coming to another little drawing that led them into a dining room within which...