Well, springtime is here. Normally I’d be happy about that, but we didn’t really get a proper winter, and so I’m feeling kind of cheated. Yeah, that’s right. I actually like sub zero temperatures. Or, rather more accurately, I like discernible seasons. The freezing weather makes me appreciate the warm weather. Plus, snow is pretty.*

Without much snow, the winter was pretty drab. When what little snow we had finally melted away, I was feeling a bit bummed about it. So, to counter the sad feels, I went out and took some pictures of the pretty things I could find, despite the drabness. And so I figured why not make a blog post about it. You know, to spread the joy.

First up: duckies. It’s hard to feel sad around duckies.


And while I’m sad to see the frozen lake melting, it is kind of pretty in its own way as it thaws.

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The moss growing on this rock almost looks like a tiny little forest.



And then there were these weird pod things. I tried taking a picture of them with the wind blowing, which resulted in a somewhat surreal looking photo. I kind of like it.



One of the things I love in Sweden are the cute little red houses. Of course, for the blog post, it didn’t occur to me to take a picture of, you know, an actual house. But I did take pictures of parts of such a house… Doors and windows and such. Seemed more interesting for some reason.

Like this one. It’s a door that hugs you with love and stuff.



And then windows. I think there might be a kitty in one of them (click “Next” below the picture to scroll through). In the other, I don’t even know… Also an old water pump, which I think is really cool.

And because I’m not sure whether or not there was a kitty in the window, here’s a kitty on prowl. Because, kitty.



Another good thing with the arrival of spring is the forest trail I usually walk through is no longer paved with ice. I went walking there yesterday, and found myself grinning as I did. I don’t think I realized how much I missed it. Spring. We shall get along nicely after all, I think.

Are you happy to see spring arrive? Or, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, autumn?


*It’s actually snowed this morning. So now I’m mostly confused… 😉 It will probably melt during the day, though. Probably.