The Witches are Coming

Series. What a funny little word. It sounds like seahorses and eyeballs, and while eyeballs can be unsettling (though don’t underestimate those seahorses), “series” doesn’t really seem like the kind of word to strike terror into unsuspecting hearts. But it has....

Guest Story: Trapped, by Tanya Miranda

I connected with Tanya a couple of years ago when I hosted my first Halloween Blog Hop. It was my first year blogging, and I really didn’t know how much interest there would be. So you might imagine my delight when people actually signed up for it, and one of...
Book Review: The Viper and the Urchin

Book Review: The Viper and the Urchin

The Viper and the Urchin Celine Jeanjean Release date: July 27, 2015 Book source: Received an advance copy of the book by the author in exchange for an honest review. Rating: Five stars “You see, while these little people are beneath us, we can still grant them...

Guest Article at Mythic Scribes

Looks like June is a month for guest posts, all bundled up into this past week. I’ve been wanting to write an article for Mythic Scribes pretty much since I started this blog over two years ago. Problem was I never had an idea to pitch to them. Until now. It all...