New Goals and Lessons Learned

Well, it’s a new year, and with a new year always comes the refreshed optimism of new possibilities. Resolutions are made. Goals are set. I don’t make resolutions, but I do set goals for myself, which are always related to writing and publishing. In fact, I don’t...

Confessions of a Scheduling Newbie

Things have been a little crazy for me lately, though it’s pretty much my own fault. I’ve given myself way too much to do. I’ve put off writing a blog post for the past couple of weeks because each time I think of it, it’s like I revert back to...

The Forgotten Web is Here!

The Forgotten Web is out and available for Kindle! And, for the moment, only for Kindle. I decided to take the plunge and give the Kindle Select thingie a go. I’m not thrilled about it, because they require exclusivity, but they promise other things like better...

Giveaway Round Three

It’s time for another giveaway! By now you’re probably thinking, “Again with the giveaways!” In which case, I present you with cats on a piggy blanket my sister made for me.   FYI, I love pigs.   Anyway, here are some stats for the...

Giveaway Round Two

Well, the last giveaway was a ridiculous success. Way more people signed up than I thought ever would, which was pretty cool. So… that means it’s time for another one! This is where I’d normally add the Goodreads widget, but for some reason the cover...